Scottish Housing Regulator

The Scottish Housing Regulator regulates the work of Housing Associations and Co-operatives with the principal aim to protect the interests of tenants, homeless people and others who use our services.  They focus on securing good outcomes for tenants and other service users and help them to hold their landlord to account.

You can find out more about their work on their website which also include details of how the Co-operative performs against other social landlords.

The Scottish Housing Regulator will examine the performance of any social landlord that is deemed to have a significant performance failure and you can download their information sheet for tenants here.

This leaflet outlines what is a significant performance failure and how tenants can contact the Scottish Housing Regulator to report these.

The Scottish Housing Regulator has recently consulted on a review of their regulations known as the Regulatory Framework and one of the things that has come out of this review is the need to have an Annual Assurance Statement which outlines how the Committee meet these standards.

The Co-operative is working alongside the Regulator as part of a working group looking at what this Assurance Statement may look like and we will report back to you once this has been decided. 

Significant Performance Failures:

If you are a tenant of a registered social landlord (RSL), such as a housing association or co-operative, or if you are a council tenant, you can report a significant performance failure (SPF) to us.  A group of tenants or an individual acting on behalf of tenants, such as a representative of a registered tenants’ organisation, can also report an SPF to us.

This factsheet explains what an SPF is and how you can report an SPF.

Scottish Social Housing Charter:

The Scottish Government’s Social Housing Charter came into force in April 2012. The Charter sets out the standards and outcomes that:

  • tenants can expect from social landlords, in terms of the quality and value for money of the services they receive, the standard of their homes, and opportunities for communication and participation in the decisions that affect them
  • homeless people can expect from social landlords in terms of access to help and advice, the quality of temporary accommodation, and continuing support to help homeless people access and keep a home owners can expect from the property management services they receive from social landlords
  • Gypsy / Travellers can expect in terms of the maintenance and management of sites (where applicable)

All Registered Social Landlords are required to issue an annual report for their tenants and service users, demonstrating their performance against the Charter.  

Comparing our performance:

Each year the Regulator publishes performance information and a Regulation Plan for each social landlord. The Regulator’s website also allows tenants to compare your landlord’s performance to that of any other registered social landlord in Scotland.

To access this information, please visit the Scottish Housing Regulator’s website